ALFA internal seminar: developing DH approaches in the history of mathematical astronomy

Org. Galla Topalian, Antonin Penon, Matthieu Husson

Observatoire de Paris

77 avenue Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris

These seminars are open to the public

For security reasons please registrate at least 24 hours in advance

And present yourself with an ID


The ALFA project is deeply integrated in the broader framework of digital humanities. As such, it uses and implements state-of-the-art digital tools and develop new products for data administration, research methods and text publication purposes.


The ALFA digital seminar aims at building a common space of discussion, education and training on the digital tools and developments of the project. Although this seminar is an opportunity to build together our digital practices within the team of the project, most of the session will be of a broader interest – for researcher and engineers – and are open to the public. If you want to participate please send at the latest 24h before the seminar day an email to Pascale Baudoin at mentioning your name and the seminar session to which you want to attend.


Monday, February 11. Salle du conseil

ALFA survey.
Building a survey of the alfonsine manuscripts and works. Presentation of the database, first inputs.


Monday, March 11 9h30-12h30 Salle du levant



Presentation of DISHAS (Digital Information System for the History of Astronomical Sciences): admin interface, tools and methods


Monday, April 1 Salle du conseil



Handle Zotero (local and cloud): practical training for beginners followed by the presentation of ALFA Zotero group.


Tuesday, May 14 Bat. A. 601


Public interface of DISHAS.

Building the data-vizualisation tools for DISHAS research data.

With the contribution of AJ Misra


Monday, June 24 Salle du levant



Initiation to the Text Encoding Initiative, the XML standard for the scientific edition of texts.

      Presentation of the use of TEI in ALFA project.


      Tuesday, July 16 Salle du conseil


Public interface of DISHAS 2/kibana

Suggestions (result of the internship) of visualization and presentation of Kibana, a tool to visualize and perform queries on the database.